If you received an email from myself or our team,

Welcome to Streamer Cloud.

If you are reading this, along with receiving an email from one of our staff, you have been offered to join StreamerCloud.com’s Partnered Program.

If you did not receive an email from our staff, the following and this offer does not pertain to you.


Our number #1 focus is the security of the Partnered Mixer.com streamers we work with.

We offer complete transparency behind our Partnered Program, allowing you to decide if it is something you find interest in.

The following offer of free website hosting for Mixer streamers offered by Streamer Cloud is genuine and legitimate, with no hidden funniness or strings attached.



Transparency First, Further Details After

What is NOT offered Free or Included in our Partnered Program:

  • A domain name, which you can purchase from another source.
  • Web design or website customization services.
    • However, we will work with you if we can, and we offer our Partnered Program members, many of the top WordPress themes for free. Simply ask, and if we have it, we will install it.
  • Any service or product Streamer Cloud offers that involves a purchase from a third party.
    • Examples include:
      • Third-party security services such as Sitelock
      • Ecom level or Wildcard SSL certificates (we provide an SSL certificate for free that will cover anything you need unless you sell directly from your website)
      • Static IP addresses (no need for this unless you desire one) 
      • Marketing &or analytics services such as Mailchimp
      • Weebly drag and drop site builder
      • Third party website payment services such as Stripe or GoCardless.


What is included for Free in our Partnered Program:

Please visit the following link for complete details.




Ok, How Do I Get Started and What Do I need?

First, you need to be an official and active Partner with Mixer.com.

Select Partnered Twitch streamers may also receive a link to this page. We ask Twitch Partners to replace “Mixer” with Twitch in the following.

After the above, all you need to do to get started is respond back to the initial email letting us know you wish to join our Partnered Program. Once we receive your response that you wish to join, we will create an account for you. This will allow you access to our client area and your new hosting control panel. The email used to contact you will be the email Streamer Cloud uses to create your account. No personal information is needed, and your user name will either be your email address or your Mixer screen/user name. If you wish to change this to something else, simply let us know.

Take your time and check out what we have to offer. Login and look over our client area, your new control panel, and the other areas our Partnered Program allows you access. When you are ready to get started and go further, send us back an email letting support know, and we can set up a support consultation if desired. After you review our client area and control panel, if by chance you do not like what you see, simply let us know. We will close your account, and you are free to move on.

What if I am already a proven webmaster and do not need a support consultation? No problem! Let us know if there is anything you need or if there is something we can improve upon. Short of that, you are free to start using our systems and creating your new website.


Shopping Our Free Offer is Easy. We Did It For You!

The nearest paid plan to our free Partnered Program would be our Prime package.

Prime package: $29.95 per month

Partnered Program: Free

However, our Prime plan does not include such things as early access to new features or our support team working with clients to meet special hosting needs or requirements 


Our Partnered Program Has Real Value

Our competitors provide similar plans starting at $23.00 per month and go much, much higher. You are being offered much more for absolutely free.

The following are a few examples of what our competitors are charging for the same services included for free in our Partnered Program:

Bluehost offers something similar for $49.99 per month but do not expect what we offer, along with a high-level of customer service:


WP Engine actually charges $241 per month which does not include a one on one communication with someone who is working with you on your site:


Flywheel is the closest to Streamer Cloud. They actually offer a slightly lesser price than us at $23.00 per month. Again, they do not provide all the features as Streamer Cloud. Also, the customer service experience will not be the same as Streamer Cloud offers:


Why do they charge so much higher prices? Our competitors are owned by large corporations that are overseen by a board of directors. The “board” dictates a specific percentage each quarter their investment (the hosting company) must meet, no matter what. Also, their brand is well known within the industry. This allows them to charge much higher rates.


Simply put, Streamer Cloud is a privately held company that wants to grow. Offering Partnered Mixer streamers the best website hosting services possible for free helps us do this. Our goal is to invest in you.

Ok, I am interested, but who are you?

I am the owner of StreamerCloud.com, but previously I was a full-time streamer on Mixer at https://mixer.com/GamerNinja until late 2017 when I started StaremerCloud.com. At the time, and this may have changed since then, becoming a Mixer Partner required becoming an employee of Microsoft. Due to a conflict of interest with my real-life career, pursuing a Partnership with Mixer was not an option. I continued to stream on Mixer simply as a hobby. I do still stream every once and awhile today.

At this time, I work directly with all Partnered Mixer streamers in our Partnered Program.

During my time as a full-time streamer, I created friendships with other Mixer streamers that continue to this day. Among these friendships included many Partnered streamers. Personally knowing Partnered streamers, along with streaming full-time while growing a brand, I learned firsthand of the hardships Partnered streamers face. The Partnered streamer who goes “all in” streams for very long hours and earns back very little for what they put in. Our goal here at Streamer Cloud is to help turn things more in the favor of the streamer. Even if a website earns only an extra $20 a month, everything helps and even $20 a month could mean the diffrence between many things for a streamer

If you want, you can find out more about me at https://gamer.ninja/influencer/gamer-ninja/


We are not in business to upset or “piss off” Partnered Mixer.com streamers

The above says it all!

The internet is full of strange things designed to trick you into something. An offer on the internet too good to be true is something we highly recommend staying away from.

At this point, what incentive could Streamer Cloud have to go through all this, only to miss-lead or deceive an individual who will be spending the next year, along with countless hours, in front of a live audience of tens of thousands? There is absolutely no incentive and would make no sense.

Seriously, there are zero obligations with this offer. Especially any obligation to promote or advertise Streamer Cloud and its services. Still, we wouldn’t turn away any help when it comes to promoting our services, but only if you feel like doing so. Things such as backlinking to our website via your website, Mixer profile, or social media, along with mentioning Streamer Cloud from time to time during your streams will help us grow.

The security of our Partnered Mixer streamers in our Partnered Program is first and for most. At Streamer Cloud, we fully understand the value of anonymity in the online content creator and live streaming world. The more anonymous a live streamer is, the less they become susceptible to any would-be hacker, unwanted data breach or “doxing”. Streamer Cloud offers the best and only true defense against your personal information and data being leaked. We do not ask you for it, nor do we want it.

Unless you purchase your domain name through us, there is no legal reason or obligation for us to have or record your personal information. We do offer domain name sales, but as an extra step of security, we recommend purchasing your domain name through Name.com. Since we provide your web hosting services at no charge, and as long as we do not sell/issue you your domain name, no personal information is required. All you have to do then is purchase your .com, .tv, or whatever domain name and point it to our servers. 

How do we identify who you are? Our preferred method of recognizing the accurate contact for a Partnered Mixer channel is by obtaining an email from a Mixer profile or a linked social media page. In some cases, we may contact a Mixer Partner through their Mixer channel’s live chat using the whisper feature or via direct messaging through a verified social media account.

Lastly, there is no legal contract associated with our Partnered Program. Only our normal terms of service and privacy policy/disclosures that apply to all Streamer Cloud cleints and customers. 

Streamer Cloud’s Terms of Service


Streamer Cloud’s Privacy Policy


Ok, Seems Good, but is the Website Hosting and My Website Secure?

The Best Way to Remain Protected is to Securely Lock the Front Door

All of our systems main and root access points are protected by various encryption methods, along with some very, very, very, very long, extreme and complicated passwords that we rotate out on a frequent basis. We do not disclose how long our passwords are, but even if we told you, you wouldn’t believe us anyway. When tested, the time it would take to crack a single password of ours is equal to “infinity.” Even using the most advanced and sophisticated known password cracking methods, Streamer Cloud’s passwords would never be cracked in any of our lifetimes.

To Remain Protected, Let the Big Dogs Do It

All of Streamer Cloud’s systems are protected by industry-leading third party security management software. 24/7/365 protection that updated by the millisecond.

We are very protective with what we share about our secuity methods, but one point we can talk about is Imunify360 and ImunifyAV+.


Imunify360, Powered by AI and Proactive Defense

With an integrated and modular organization, Imunify360 scales with our needs and helps provide a secure and reliable web hosting experince. It’s multi-layered defense architecture ensures precision targeting and eradication of malware and viruses. 

Imunify360 blocks attacks through a combination of technologies: signature matching, real-time behavior analysis for blocking malware, and herd immunity powered by insights collected from servers all over the world.

Imunify360 ImunifyAV+ Control Panel Screen Shots

Imunify360 ImunifyAV+ Control Panel Overview


Imunify360’s sophisticated security system constantly collects and processes a massive amount of information about new attacks from servers all over the world. It analyzes the web traffic that hits your servers and the web application scripts and understands all security threats in real-time. It uses powerful AI technology to dynamically update its rules and prevent malicious attacks that could cause harm. It uses machine learning technology and extensive, signature-based algorithms to identify patterns of abnormal behavior to quickly prevent new attacks. The Proactive Defense feature protects against zero-day attacks – it stops even the malware that no scanner is able to detect.

The Imunify360 Advantage

  • Proprietary “Proactive Defense” technology stops known and unknown malware – even the malware that scanners are unable to detect.
  • Delivers sophisticated detection and display of security threats, powered by the self-learning firewall with herd immunity.
  • Protects servers against many threats, including distributed brute force attacks, the most common threat to web servers.
  • Analyzes insights from the global network and bans attackers before they even attack your servers.
  • Protects web applications against malware injections and defacement attacks.
  • Automatically secures your kernel and older PHP versions.
  • Is highly effective in catching more bad guys while stopping fewer good guys, because it is powered by the smart intrusion detection that collaborates         with the central intrusion system.
  • Includes additional features such Reputation Management and an advanced Captcha system for vetting website visitors.
  • Is a responsive system with a high frequency of scanning that does not degrade the performance of your servers.

Alright, I am a Content Creator with a New Website! Now what?

Why does Streamer Cloud offer free website hosting to Partnered Mixer streamers?

We honestly want to help Partnered Mixer streamers generate more income by monetizing their website with Google Adsense ads. 

We also want to help withh:

  • Growing their brand within Google search engine results.
  • Allow them to promote content they actually 100% own.
  • Provides a more professional look for current or potential channel sponsors.


Getting Your New Website Off the Ground

After your new website goes live, the next steps are web design and creating good and relevant content such as video game-related articles and gaming-related product reviews. Um, Ok, stop! As a full-time live streamer, I have little to no time to start up, much less maintain a website? What should I do?

What many moderate to large live streamers fail to realize is they potentially have web designers/developers and pro bloggers following them or subscribed to them currently.

Example: Ignoring the fact that he has and makes enough to hire topnotch developers/designers and web content creators, what would a streamer such as Ninja do when starting a new website? The most likely answer would nothing. Why? Ninja has followers and subscribers in the web dev/design and blogging industry. They would jump at the chance to donate their time. Ninja would have no problem getting a kick-ass website, from the ground up filled with written content for absolutely nothing.

Savvy streamers who understand how to harness their following figure out how to use the untapped potential behind it. Think about it? If someone who does web design or writes blogs for a living is already subscribed or donating to you, don’t you think the chances would be good they would be willing to help you with your new website? Take a look at your moderating staff, and what’s expected of them? Could you add web blogging to the list? The possibilities are endless.

If you don’t have a large following or anyone in your audience willing to do it for free, the next best step when in doubt is to either figure it out or hire it out.


Wow, I have a Nice Website ! How Do I make Money?

Making money with a website can be done in a several ways.

  • Monetizing your website with ads
    • Third party ads such as Google Adsense
    • Selling ad space to your sponsors.
  • Selling brand-related merchandise and products
  • Asking for donations
  • Attracting new sponsors using SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)


Google Adsense is a Live Streamer’s Friend

Google Adsense allows live streamers to effortlessly earn money from their site. They have millions of advertisers who compete for your website’s ad space. What this means to you is automatically populated relevant ads, your ad spaces are automatically filled, and you make money each time a member of your following visits your new website.

There are other things Google Adsense can offer a website owner, such as optimized ad placement for mobile devices. Google can maximize the size of your ads to automatically fill either desktop or mobile, translating into a higher chance they’ll be seen and clicked, thus making you money.

Placing Google Adsense ads on your new website is extremely easy since Google now offers Auto Ads. Auto Ads installs as a single line of code added to your website. Once added, Google will display ads tailored to your website’s content and layout automatically. 

It’s also very simple to set up your Google Adsense account. Making money for live streamers with Google Adsense is truly one of the more manageable parts in the overall picture behind a website. Today, anyone can do it.


Maximize Merchandising Your Brand

Selling your branded merch from your website and making extra money from it doesn’t have to involve paying for a secure payment method or directly collecting funds from your shoppers.

Live streamers at any level in today’s world have looked into, or at least thought of, selling branded products to their following. It’s not uncommon to see new streamer sporting a custom link in their profile that shouts “Buy My Merch.” Why not? One follower or a million, it’s a free and simple way to start earning money.

Shirts, coffee mugs, pens, pencils, posters, and even toasters can be easily branded in today’s online world. Online sources such as TeeSpringZazzle, or Visible by Impulse offer live streamers a simple way to offer, sell, and deliver branded merch to their following. Dropping your newly created custom TeeSpring link into your channel’s profile area would be an excellent first step to earning while streaming. However, it’s another example of how streamers potentially could be losing out on extra income.

Instead, why not link to a custom merch page on your website from your channel profile area. Follow this up by monetizing your custom merch page with Google Adsense ads. This way, you are still generating revenue from any TeeSpring sales, but also from your following who visit your site along the way.

In a few cases, we have helped live streamers sell products from their website that were pre-purchased in bulk. They put money upfront to buy bulk quantities of a branded product at a discounted price. When it comes to selling a product this way, you can still sell them from your website and not be responsible for collecting funds.

To help with this, a WordPress plugin called WooCommerce is used in conjunction with Paypal. When making their payment, a customer is directed to Paypal. As soon as their payment is successful, the customer is then directed back to your site. This option allows a streamer to save money on the product by buying in bulk, while earn money from Google Adsense. All without the hassle or added cost of directly handling the customer’s payment.


Learning More About Streamer Cloud

This is a legit, no obligations, no contracts, or requirements of promotion offer for 100% free safe and secure website hosting services that are provided from servers we own and monitor. Currently, we handpick who we offer into our Partnered Program. From the beginning, we have always planned to one day provide free website hosting to all Partnered Mixer streamers. That day is coming soon.

Streamer Cloud is almost two years old now. We were the first official web hosting provider to cater specifically to the online content creator and videogame streamer. We have servers and clusters in the U.S. and Europe and work with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud.

I will help you through the process and get you a stable and robust WordPress site started and hosted from a secure server that offers all the top options and specs. This is NOT an offer that entails reselling another company’s web hosting services or dumping you on an overcrowded server that sucks. You have a million visitors, we have the power to serve them.


Why should a streamer have a website?

You can find more on this here:





In Closing

If you are interested and have any questions, simply respond to the email you were sent, and we can communicate via email or one on one via Discord to get you started.

Please ask me any questions you may.

I look forward to working with you and let’s make you a website.
